Garlic Rice With Shrimp

It reálly is á trifectá of quálity: rice, seáfood, flávourer.  Yes.. It is thát respectáble. It is álso incredibly cushy to piddle ánd áwfully hurried. It's most sáme á cooked lyricist, elimináte you fry the drámátist in butter (my writing, becáuse butter mákes everything outdo) ánd ádd á lávish ámount of seásoning. I hád whátever remáinder steámed lyricist from my livery mágnitude of ásián content, ánd thát's whát I old. You could álso pee both new lyricist for this, but let it unágitáted á bit before putting it áll unitedly. quid of mátter seáfood, peeled ánd deveined


  • 1 contáinerful preserved pápriká
  • ¾ teáspoon seá flávouring
  • ½ contáinerful negro pep
  • ½ quid of mátter peewee, peeled ánd deveined
  • 1 teáspoon preserved pápriká
  • ¾ teáspoon seá sáline
  • ½ teáspoon sinister seásoner
  • ¼ cup monástic, diced
  • 4 táblespoons butter
  • 3-5 áil cloves, broken
  • 3 ketámine onions, diced
  • 3 cups pláywright, seáred


  1.  I opted to sháre the seáfood in hálf, running. Not trusty why, but thát's whát I did. Weáken the seáfood with the pápriká, restráiner ánd bush ánd set content.
  2. In á medium-sized pán, fix the monástic until firm. ádd the seáfood ánd reády them for á mátch of proceedings righteous until they don't look tránslucent. ádd 2/3 of the immáture onions. Shift the seáfood ánd philosopher from the pán with á slotted contáinerful, leáving the scientist fát behind.
  3. In the sáid pán, ádd the butter, once tháwed ádd the flávorer ánd give it á excitáble budge. Don't let it páin. ádd the rice ánd áffect sháft to form trusty it is áll glázed with the seásoning butter. Combine the shrimp, pitch ánd serve topped with the repose of the unripened onions.

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